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Syrian Refugee Resettlement in Canada: Retrospective and Reflections

The Environics Institute, in partnership the Diversity Institute, Alsaha and the Canadian Arab Institute, are hosting a free public event: Syrian Refugee Resettlement in Canada: Retrospective and Reflections

In 2015, Canada responded to the ongoing humanitarian disaster in Syria by significantly expanding the intake of refugees through the Syrian Refugee Resettlement Initiative, an unprecedented national mobilization involving all levels of government, non-governmental organizations, the private sector and Canadian citizens.

The event will showcase the Institute’s research on Syrian refugee lived experience in Canada, as the basis for a broader retrospective consideration of the Syrian Refugee Resettlement Initiative and what we can learn from it. It will also feature the premiere screening of a new video documentary about the project, followed by a panel discussion.

This event will be an evening of celebration and learning for everyone, including those involved with refugee resettlement, those who have been touched by it and those who want to learn more.

Main Speakers:

  • Michael Adams, founder and president, Environics Institute for Survey Research
  • Wendy Cukier, founder and director, Diversity Institute, Ted Rogers School of Management, Toronto Metropolitan University
  • Maissaa Almustafa, DT Lecturer, University of Waterloo
  • Samina Sami, chief executive officer, COSTI
  • Nour Ismaeel, refugee
  • Lloyd Axworthy, chair, World Refugee Council

Event Details

Date et heure -
Type En personne
Innis Town Hall, 2 Sussex Avenue, TORONTO, ON, M5S 1J5
Lecture 2 min.