RSTP information session: Financial Literacy
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The Refugee Sponsorship Training Program (RSTP) invites you to the upcoming information session on Financial Literacy
In celebration of Financial Literacy Month in Canada, which is in November, RSTP is inviting you to join our session on Financial Literacy. This session is organized and facilitated in cooperation with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA ) and Service Canada SC.
The session is designed particularly to benefit PSR sponsors and the refugees they are sponsoring. It is a chance to receive insight and clarifications from CRA and Service Canada on programs available to sponsored refugees. You will also have the chance to have your questions answered during the session.
Service Canada will review programs and benefits available to newcomers while CRAwill discuss the available credits, programs and benefits available to newcomers and provide clarification on which benefit or/and programs apply (and which don’t apply) to refugees/sponsored newcomers.