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OCASI Webinar series: Racial Equity: From Intention To Action

Visit the Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI) website

OCASI is pleased to invite you to the first of our webinar series: Racial Equity. From Intention To Action - Applying an Anti-Racism Anti-Oppression Framework in a Nonprofit Organization

Are you interested in applying an anti-racism and anti-oppression (ARAO) approach in your organization? Join us online to hear from two immigrant and refugee-serving agencies about their experience in adapting and implementing OCASI’s newly updated Anti-racism Anti-oppression policy kit. Our guest speakers will share practical advice and insights on working with the kit and moving towards transformative organizational change.


  • Asha Edwin: Community Engagement, Wellness and Change Management Professional and founder of Ashare.
  • Deborah Robertson: Executive Director, North Bay and District Multicultural Centre.
  • Shaneeza Nazseer Ally: Executive Director, For Youth Initiative

Series Moderator:

  • Samya Hasan: Executive Director, Council of Agencies Serving South Asians (CASSA)

Simultaneous interpretation in French, English, ASL available.

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Event Details

Date & time -
Mode Online 1 min. read