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OCASI Webinar : Housing is a human right: Standing up against discrimination

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OCASI cordially invites you to the upcoming webinar: Housing is a human right: Standing up against discrimination

About the event

Housing insecurity and homelessness continue to rise in Canada. Indigenous, Black and people of colour communities, including immigrants and refugees, must survive these challenges while also tackling systemic inequities in the housing system. Join us as our panel of housing rights advocates discuss current challenges, and what they are doing to stand up against discrimination and organize with communities. Let us imagine a future where everyone has adequate and safe housing.


Samya Hasan. Executive Director of the Council of Agencies Serving South Asians (CASSA)


  • Alejandra Ruiz Vargas. ACORN Canada President
  • Janet Madume. Executive Director, Welland Heritage Council and Employment Solutions
  • Sumaya Bauer. Tenant Duty Counsel, Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario

ASL Registration required
Simultaneous interpretation in English and French

Questions? Please email

Event Details

Date & time -
Mode Online 1 min. read