OCASI Webinar: Trauma informed care in service delivery for settlement workers

OCASI / Accessibility Initiative (AI) invites you to participate in the upcoming webinar: Trauma informed care in service delivery for settlement workers
Join us for this webinar to learn about;
- An in-depth introduction into trauma informed care: defining trauma from the micro to the macro
- The impact of trauma, including the neurobiological impacts
- Identifying the principles of a trauma informed approach
- Engaging clients with a history of trauma, recognizing the presence of trauma and acknowledging the role trauma has played in their lives
- Integrating trauma perspective into service provider roles and their everyday interactions.
- Nadia La Rosa, Coordinator of the Manitoba Trauma Information and Education Centre at Klinic Community Health in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
American Sign Language - ASL interpretation will be available
If you have any questions or for more information, please contact Tecla Namusonge at: tnamusonge@ocasi.org
Event Details
Date & time
1 min. read