Mar 04, 2024 1 min. read
This program offers people affected by the conflict in Sudan a new pathway to migrate to Canada. The program will accept up to 3,250 applications from eligible applicants and families.Learn more
Nov 06, 2023 1 min. read
ARI - Call for Ambassador Agencies
Allies for Refugee Integration (ARI) invites pairs of settlement organizations and Sponsorship Agreement Holders (SAH) in Ontario to join the project as Ambassador Agencies.Learn more -
Sep 11, 2023 1 min. read
Turn "I am here" into "I am home"
OCASI and its partners have launched the "I'm here" to "I'm home" advertising campaign to help immigrants and refugees find the services they need to settle in Ontario.Learn more -
Sep 11, 2023 1 min. read
Tournez " Je suis ici " à " Je suis chez moi "
OCASI et ses partenaires ont lancé la campagne publicitaire : Transformez " Je suis ici " en " Je suis chez moi " pour aider les personnes immigrantes et réfugiées à trouver les services dont elles ont besoin.Learn more -
Jul 19, 2023 2 min. read
More federal housing support for asylum claimants
The Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship announced funding to ensure impacted communities can keep a roof over the heads of vulnerable asylum claimants who want Canada’s protection.Learn more -
Jul 12, 2023 4 min. read
Projet pilote de couverture prolongée du PFSI pour les services de counselling destinés aux personnes réfugiées afghanes
Le Programme fédéral de santé intérimaire (PFSI) offre aux personnes réfugiées reinstallées une couverture de 12 mois pour des services de counselling. Si vous êtes une personne réfugiée afghane réinstallée, vous pourriez être admissible au nouveau projet pilote qui ajoute 12 mois de plus, pour un total de 24 mois de couverture pour les services de counselling.Learn more -
Jul 05, 2023 4 min. read
IFHP Extended Coverage Pilot for Counselling Services for Afghan Refugees
The Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) provides counselling services coverage for 12 months for resettled refugees. If you are an Afghan resettled refugee, you may be eligible for a new pilot project that adds 12 more months, for a total of 24 months of coverage for counselling services.Learn more -
Jun 14, 2023 2 min. read
Canadian government partners with Rainbow Railroad to resettle LGBTQIA+ refugees
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced a partnership between the Government of Canada and the non-profit organization Rainbow Railroad to protect LGBTQIA+ refugees and welcome them to Canada. News release…Learn more -
Jun 12, 2023 2 min. read
Le gouvernement canadien s'associe au Rainbow Railroad pour réinstaller des personnes réfugiées LGBTQI+
Le premier ministre Justin Trudeau a annoncé l’établissement d’un partenariat entre le gouvernement du Canada et l’organisation à but non lucratif Rainbow Railroad pour protéger les réfugiés LGBTQI+ et les…Learn more -
Apr 17, 2023 1 min. read
Annual Tripartite Consultations on Resettlement (ATCR) 2023
The Annual Tripartite Consultations on Resettlement (ATCR) event is the most important forum for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), government representatives from resettlement States, the private sector…Learn more -
Apr 17, 2023 1 min. read
Consultations annuelles tripartites sur la réinstallation 2023
Les Consultations annuelles tripartites sur la réinstallation représentent le forum le plus important pour l’ Agence des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR), les représentant.e.s des gouvernements des États de…Learn more -
Apr 06, 2023 3 min. read
What is Refugee Rights Day?
Refugee Rights Day is celebrated each year in Canada on April 4th. It is an opportunity to bring attention to the advances made in the protection of refugee rights in…Learn more